A Day for the Irish

Shoogle at Clackmannanshire Open Show, 1st, BOB and Terrier Group 3

Today at Clackmannanshire Canine Club Open Show under Best in Show judge Mr G Burton (Raynwood), our Irish boy Shoogle, EblanaHalls Aye Right won 1st place scwt open, BEST OF BREED and then on to TERRIER GROUP 3 handled by Mr Patrick Vaughan.
Shoogle also won the open stakes while Pooka, Thistlebe Them There Eyes at EblanaHalls ShCM won Reserve in the same class.

Fleadh, EblanaHalls Fau Paws won Reserve in the Puppy stakes class.

Many thanks to our judge for considering all our dogs and to the show committee for such a jolly show.