Our Dogs
EblanaHalls Honeytrap JW
Síoda 17.10.2017 (Wheaten Rebels Voice of Vision for Silverluka x Thistlebe Them There Eyes at EblanaHalls Sh.CM ShCex) Our gorgeous girl Síoda is setting the world on fire! By 12 months of age she had achieved so much. Her open show wins include: 1 x Best Puppy in Show, 2 x Reserve Best Special Puppy in Show, 1 x Best Special Minor Puppy in Show, 5 x Puppy Group 1, 6 x Minor Puppy Group 1, 4 x Best of Breed, 2 x Terrier Group 1. At championship shows, her wins include: 1 x Puppy Group 2 (shortlisted twice), 1 x CC 2 x RBCC 4 x Best Puppy in Breed, 1 x Best Bitch, 1 x Best Opposite Sex, 8 x 1st place in breed classes, 1 x 1st place in Puppy Stakes At just 13 months she had also gained her Junior Warrant and received her first Reserve Champion Certificate from a breed specialist judge. By 2 years, she has received her 1st Challenge Certificate and 2 Reserve Challenge Certificates. And the story continues…
Thistlebe Them There Eyes at EblanaHalls ShCM ShCex
Pooka is a wonderful family dog with the sweetest nature. Though some regard her as a bit of a ‘City Princess’ with her love of going to cafes and pubs, what she really lives for is to run, in rivers, fields, mountains you name it, she will run in it, around it and probably through it. Pooka is equally at home in the show ring having won 65 Best of Breeds at Open Shows across the UK. She had a very succcesful year in 2018 winning Reserve Champion Certificates at the Scottish Kennel Club Championship Show under judge Ben Hanney and another RBCC at Midland Counties Championship Show under judge Eileen Boak. She also won Best Opposite Sex and Best Bitch at the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of GBs Open Show North 2018. 2019 has already been good to Pooka with her winning her 3rd RBCC at the National Terrier Championship Show under esteemed judge Liz Cartledge. Pooka has qualified for Crufts for life as she has gained her Stud Book number. Pooka was awarded a Very Highly Commended at her first Crufts in 2015, while at Crufts 2016 she won 3rd place in Postgraduate, in 2017 Pooka won 1st in Limit Bitch and at Crufts 2018 she placed 5th in the Young Kennel Club Member’s Stakes. In 2019, she came 3rd in the open class, losing out only to the bitch that won BOB this year and to the the bitch that won BOB last year. Pooka also qualified for the SKC Scottish Open Show Dog of the Year 2016 and won Reserve Best in Show and has qualified again every year since!
EblanaHalls Aye Right
Shoogle is like the best friend you have ever had. He is loyal and forever at your side with a big smile on his face. He is not known as ‘The Ridiculous Boy’ for nothing! He will make you laugh when you need it most and snuggle in for the warmest of cuddles. Shoogle has a lovely authentic Irish coat that has just begun to come through in soft, silky waves. He is being shown like his parents before him and has done very well so far having won 3 RESERVE CHALLENGE CERTIFICATES (RCC). Shoogle enjoys the show-ring but probably prefers rolling in the mud on the banks of the River Kelvin. Shoogle has a lovely Irish coat and at 4 years his golden waves are in abundance.
EblanaHalls Fau Paws
Fleadh is an other one of our Irish girls. She is very independent and incredibly loyal. She is the dog that follows you everywhere listening eagerly for the next command. She is the dog that sits at your feet when you are sitting down or cur;l up at the end of your bed at night. She has been a dream to train and is a very clever girl. Fleadh’s coat has been very slow to grow which has its bonuses, less grooming. It is just beginning to mature now, at 2 years of age, and now Fleadh will be shown more.
Hobel Turn Around at EblanaHalls (IKC)
CùSidhe has the correct Irish type wheaten coat. Her coat was slower to mature than Pooka’s heavy coat but it is worth the wait as it is soft and silky and the rich colour glistens in the sun. We also find this coat far easier to maintain. CuSidhe really has a true terrier spirit. She is very clever and we are sure she is able to count, especially if she thinks someone has had more treats than her. She loves socializing and is great in cafes and pubs. CùSidhe is as loyal as they come and loves to play fetch but knows when downtime is the right time and will sit on your feet whenever you are sitting yourself. We find this loyalty endearing. She gives the BEST kisses and makes an excellent hot – water bottle. CuSidhe is expecting her fist litter of pups in the near future. These pups are from excellent Irish lines and will make wonderful additions to the right families.
About Us
Responsible and Loving Breeders of Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers
Our beautiful soft coated wheaten terriers are both family and show dogs. You are as likely to see them in a river or up a mountain as you are to see them in the show ring. We have both coat types. The more common heavy or English coat and the authentic original silken Irish coat. Both coat types have their fans and we are fans of both. Our pups make wonderful family pets but if someone is keen to try their hand at showing, we are more than happy to help them with that journey.

Our Litters
26th December 2015
Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Puppies
Sire : Int Multi Ch Hobel Joe O’Brien
Dam : Thistlebe Them There Eyes

5th May 2017
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