Is the Breed Right for You?
It is understandable that when a person looks at a picture of a wheaten terrier that they instantly fall in love. Their shaggy cuteness appeals even to the most hardened heart however, we need to think with our heads as well as our hearts. There are many things we must consider when owning a wheaten terrier.
Some people may feel that some of the questions an ethical breeder will ask, a bit intrusive. The reason for these in-depth questions is that we are trying our best to find our puppies the most suitable homes, homes they will live their entire life in.
Are you able to commit to combing through a pup every evening for a full year, then twice a week for the rest of your life?
Can you commit to loving and caring for a wheaten for 14-17 years as they often live that long?
Can you commit to training your new puppy every day? The dog you get reflects on how much tie you have spent training your puppy. Put the time in as a pup and you will get the dog you want.
Will you use positive reinforcement training methods? Wheaten terriers can be sensitive and will not respond well to punishments. Reward the good behaviour and (try) to ignore the bad.
Can you tell me why you think they are the breed for you?
Are you aware that there are 2 different coat types, Irish and heavy and do you have a preference ?
Will there be someone to walk the pup through the day?
Where will your pup go when you go on holiday?
Are you wanting a pet as a companion or do you want a pet for showing or agility sports?
What is the make up of your family? Are there any babies? Wheatens can be boisterous at times and could knock a small child over. It is something you need to consider.
Is there anyone in your family with dog allergies? Have they been around a wheaten terrier before and been free of reactions? Would they commit to coming and spending a couple of hours with our dogs to see if they have any reaction? Most people with dog allergies are fine with wheaten terriers as they don’t shed. Their coat comes off n the comb only, not on clothes or furniture. However, some people (me) have an allergic reaction when cutting their hair. This is easily remedied by wearing a grooming tunic, hoovering up carefully afterwards and showering.

Our Agreements
Please also be aware that our pups come with Kennel Club endorsements meaning they can’t be bred from. We are very strict about this and it is to protect our pups from ended up in the hands of backyard breeders or puppy farmers.
We also ask that our families don’t neuter their pups until they are 2 years old. This allowed their growth plates to close properly, and the pups to have natural bone growth. It also protects them from a host of bone cancers, arthritis and incontinence issues related to early neutering. There is plenty of research on this matter that I can forward if you require it.
We also require that, if for some reason you are unable to keep your pup that you may not sell or pass them on to another family but that they must be returned to us. We do understand that sometimes things happen in our lives that we can’t plan for and we will be there for our pups if we are needed, no matter what their age.
We will support you by providing advice on feeding, grooming, training, socialisation, showing etc throughout the pups entire life as we want the best for your pup.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask us. No question is too small or silly? and we will do our best to answer them.