(Hoban x CúSidhe)
The Cutler Family

Aonghus, Eblanahalls Auric Paw, joined our family and came to live at the manse in June 2017. He was only just 8 weeks old. To Laura’s credit he was already partially paper trained (still don’t know how she managed with 11 pups). He’s still so friendly and sweet natured, confident, smart, incredibly nosy, bouncy, very funny and likes adventures.

We had our hearts set on a wheaten and were delighted to find Eblanahalls. But before making any commitment we visited and spent a couple of hours with Laura and her dogs, CuSidhe, Pooka and Shoogle. We were new to wheatens and had lots of questions which Laura encouraged and, as an ethical breeder, Laura wanted to know about us too.

From the time of CuSidhe’s scan to the time we heard we were lucky enough to be bringing home Mr Yellow, Laura kept us up to date with photos, videos of first steps and puppies playing, health checks and everything in between. We couldn’t wait for the daily updates on Facebook and she never disappointed. Since then we’ve been able to see Aonghus’ brothers and sisters growing too and we’re grateful for Laura’s support and advice about anything and everything. She was even happy to tip Aonghus’ coat for the first time.

Aonghus the Dog is a happy and healthy boy. He has made many fans in the village and wider through his own Facebook page! There are people who know Aonghus who don’t know us!

Without hesitation, we would definitely recommend Laura and Ebalanhalls puppies.
The Cutlers
Stonehouse, Scotland
(Hoban x CuSidhe)
From Kelly, Stu and Harvey in London
“We have loved wheaten terriers for a long time, and when we were finally in a position to have one, we knew we wanted a reputable and responsible breeder. Laura and EblanaHalls have a great reputation through the breed club and we were absolutely overjoyed when she emailed us to say we had been chosen as puppy parents!
We live in a flat in London and although we knew we could give a puppy a really loving home, we were aware some breeders wouldn’t consider us. We are so grateful to Laura for choosing us and being so accepting of our living situation.
Laura also said that she would keep an eye on the puppies as their personalities emerged and match us with one who would suit living in a flat, and she got it spot on! Harvey is a beautiful puppy. He is loving, gentle, curious and so funny. He’s an absolute joy and we love him so much.
During the first ten weeks, we received daily updates, photos, and videos via a private Facebook group, and it was amazing to see all 11 gorgeous puppies grow and develop.
Laura has also been a great support to us as we are hoping to show Harvey in the future, and has helped to put us in touch with local ringcraft clubs as well as sharing tips and guidance. She alsohelped us find a brilliant vet after a dodgy experience with our local one!
I would thoroughly recommend Laura as a breeder and would encourage anyone looking for a wheaten to consider EblanaHalls. We can’t thank Laura enough for choosing us as Harvey’s parents!”
(Hoban x CuSidhe)
(Hoban x CuSidhe)
The Taylor family from Blackpool and Albert

Having never had a family dog before we decided that a new addition to the family was needed and set about our research. We looked at many breeds but settled on a Wheaten Terrier as their personality seemed a good match for our family and they are such lovely looking dogs and full of energy ( boy are they full of energy !)
We made contact with Laura and to our delight we were offered a puppy. Laura kept us informed all throughout the puppies’ development with lots of pictures and videos not to mention lots of informative information on owning a dog including raw feeding which we had decided was something we wanted to do.
We have owned Albert now for around 3 months and have been delighted daily by his antics, he is so funny and intelligent – he certainly keeps us on our toes. We all keep in contact on Facebook and can see how all of Albert’s brothers and sisters are getting on and growing.
We also post questions for Laura if we need to . She always takes time to answer and provides many updates for us on different topics.
Laura is a fantastic breeder and we would definitely recommend her if you’re looking for a puppy, and we are extremely thankful to her that we have Albert – we love him so much that we have decided to get him a companion ! We are really excited and looking forward to Pooka’s litter due in October 🙂
(Hoban x CuSidhe)
“The Lui family, Glasgow were where we got our amazing family addition Jasper.
After a lot of time and research I decided to send the email expressing our desire for a wheaten Terrier Puppy, knowing the loving family from which he would be coming from.
We had to wait a few months but were lucky enough to be chosen by Laura and now we have our wonderful Jasper.
What I loved about the Lui family was their caring attitu
de to all the dogs that come from their family – Laura ensures she keeps you up to date throughout the pregnancy and the 8 key development weeks – sending you videos, pictures and updates almost every day.
Even after collecting our gorgeous puppy we are all in contact about what the puppies are and are not doing ? which helps you understand and get through the fun but sometimes stressful ‘puppy’ months.
I would recommend to anyone looking for a Wheaten that the ‘Lui Family Glasgow’ are the most caring and wonderful breeders you could hope for and we thank them for completing our family.”
The McKenna’s
September 2017