Thistlebe Them There Eyes at EblanaHalls Sh.CM ShCEx VW
Results & Critiques
Belfast Championship Show, October 2021, judge Sean Delmar.
SKC, May 2018, Judge Ben Hanney
Midland Counties October 2018, judge Eileen Boak
National Terrier, April 2019, judge Liz Cartledge
Belfast Championship Show, September 2019, Judge Mr J Byrnes

Windsor Championship Show 2022 RBCC, Eileen Boak
22.07.22, 1st Veteran Bitch, Best Veteran in Breed, Veteran Group 3, breed judge Neil Straw, group judge Mr D Killilea
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09.07.22, 1st Veteran Bitch. BEST VETERAN IN SHOW, East of England Championship show, replacement judge Mr Richard J Allen
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01.07.22, 2nd Veteran Bitch, RESERVE BITCH CHALLENGE CERTIFICATE, Windsor Championship Show, breed specialist judge Eileen Boak
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26.06.22, 1st Veteran Bitch, Best Veteran in Breed, VETERAN GROUP 4, Blackpool Championship Show, terrier specialist judge Kay Aspin, group judge David Bell.
“Lui’s Thislebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls ShCM ShCEx VW. Well balanced, good eye and ear, clean well boned front, level topline, nice depth of brisket, well shaped quarters, moved freely round the ring, BV.” KAY Aspin
” Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls ShCM ShCEx VW. SCWT. Pleasing head with parallel planes, stop well defined, long neck set into a well laid shoulder. Body compact with firm level topline, good reach on the move.” David Bell
19.06.22, 1st Veteran Bitch, BEST VETERAN IN BREED, Border Union Championship Show, breed specialist Rob Jones (Silverluka)
“Perhaps a little unlucky not to have gained here title in her earlier years. Still moves well for a nine year old, not dissimilar to the BOB winner today that can be moved effortlessly at pace BVB BV”
27.05.22, Best Veteran Bitch, BEST VETERAN IN BREED, Bath Championship Show, judge Liz Cartledge, Veteran Stakes, 2nd place, judge Irene Glenn.
“2 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls Shcex Vw, SCWT. Well constructed girl who oosed quality. Compact with the best of head. Lovely reach of neck onto well placed shoulders with a good front. Lovely depth and well sprung ribs. ” Irene Glen
22.05.22, 1st Veteran Bitch, Best Veteran in Breed, VETERAN GROUP 3, Scottish Kennel Club Championship Show, Breed specialist judge Yvonne Cannon and Group Judge Jeff Horswell.
1st Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls ShCM ShC. 9-year-old female of a lovely type, well balanced in outline with head of good proportions. Good length of neck, angles good front and rear. Level topline and good spring of rib. Excellent tail set and good coat texture and wheaten colour. Moves well in profile and a shade close behind. BV and finished 3rd in the Veteran Group.”
17.04.2022, 1st AV Terrier Veteran, BEST VETERAN IN SHOW, Ross and Cromarty Open Show, judge David Alcorn
It is always a pleasure to judge veterans, and the winners from each group today were all worth representatives demonstrating the longevity of our wonderful pedigree dogs. Just edging into the top spot to clinch the win above the lovely Australian Shepherd, was the SCWT Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls. Really lovely type, not overdone, and presented in excellent coat. She has balance throughout, in her head shape, and in her front and rear angles. Stands perfectly sound at all times, and moves out with accuracy of footfall. Going around she covers some ground with ease and holds her outline well.”
27.03.2022, 1st Veteran Bitch, BEST VETERAN IN SHOW, Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of GBs Open Show South, judge Brian Moles (Celtannia)
” 1 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls ShCM ShCEx VW. Looking a lot younger than her 9 years, super outline, so well balanced and of correct size. Coat of flowing waves just further enhance the attraction. Good mouth, deep chest, level topline, lovely moderate rear angulation, excellent shoulder and straight front. Moved well around the compact ring, albeit just a little close behind.”
20.03.22, 2nd scwt open, Whitehaven and District Open Show, judge Mr Colin Woodward,
2 Lui Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls SHCM SHCEx VW RB Vet 9 years young, lovely head shape, good dentition, lovely legs & feet, deep brisket, strong loin, good tail set & quarters nice mover. ”
11.03.22, 1st Vetetan, BEST VETERAN BITCH, CRUFTS CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW, judge Bill Browne-Cole (Travella)
“1 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls ShCM ShCEx VW. Well balanced 8 yr old in excellent condition, good coat texture, excellent front, good rear angulation, moved well.”
06.03.22, 1st AV Terrier Veteran, BEST TERRIER VETERAN, Gateshead Open Show, judge Pam Cox
05.03.22 1st scwt open, 2nd AV Veteran, Veteran Group 2, BEST OF BREED, North & South Sheilds open show, judge Val Mann
“1 Lui Thistle Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls Sh Cm Sh Cex VW Lovely 9yr old bitch with a good reach of neck running neatly into her well placed shoulders. Super well-furnished head. Straight front, tight feet. Well ribbed back to short couplings. Well proportioned height to length with a firm topline, held on the move. Well let down hocks. Great coat texture. She carries herself really well on the move & strides out well from any angle. BOB”
.12.02.22, 2nd scwt open, West Midlands Terrier Open Show, judge Suxi, Gale (Meganelli)
09.01.22, 2nd scwt open, Boston Championship Show, Judge
Xx.10.21, 1st Scwt Open, BITCH CHALLENGE CERTIFICATE, Belfast Championship Show judge Sean Delmar
09.09.21, 1st Veteran Bitch, BEST VETERAN IN SHOW, Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of GBs Open Show North under judge Tracey Jones (Silverluka)
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12.09.21, 1st AVNSC Veteran, RESERVE SPECIAL BEST VETERAN IN SHOW, Lochaber and District Open Show under judge David Anderson (Nisyros) and Simon Luxmoore (Hushwing)
Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier – shown in good, hard condition, keen dark eye, good for-ward reach and excellent drive from the rear, thoroughly deserved its recognition on the day and will continue to be a good advocate for the breed.”
05.09.21, 1st AVNSC Veteran, Best Terrier Veteran, Wolsingham Open Show, under judge Darren Pearson (Winoski)
“1st Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Elbanahalls ShCM ShCEx. SCWT. 8 year old in fine form, good head and dentition, excellent overall shape and balance, excelled in movement.”
04.09.21, 1st SCWT Open, Best of Breed, Terrier Group 4, Best Terrier Veteran, Perthshire Open Show under judge, Nigel Merrick (MagicGem)
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28.08.21, 1st Veteran Dog/Bitch, Best Veteran in Breed, Driffield Championship Show, under judge Peter Bakewell
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23.08.21, 2nd Veteran Bitch, Blackpool Championship Show, under judge Patsy Holling
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Photo by James Taylor @Raisingsands
07.08.21, 2nd Veteran Bitch, Paignton Championship show under judge Tom Johnstone
01.08.21, 1st Veteran Bitch, Bath Championship Show under Mark Walshaw (Janmark)
1.07.21, 1st AV Terrier Veteran, Terrier Veteran Group 1, Kilmarnock Open Show under judge Heather Turner (Locheil)
25.07.21, 1st Veteran,Bitch, Best Veteran in Breed, Terrier Veteran Group 3, Leeds Championship Show under Frank Kane and Mark Cocozza.
08.07.21, 1st Veteran Bitch, Best Veteran in Breed, East of England Championship show under judge Mollie Pastuszka
26.01.20, 2nd scwt open, Hamilton Open Show under judge Roger Cruden (Shamsky)
“2 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls ShCM ShCEx. A super 6-year-old also having that extra reach in her stride but couldn’t match the youngster for performance today. ”
25.01.20, 1st scwt open, Best of Breed, Terrier Group 1, Kirkintilloch, Lenzie and District Open Show under judge Sheila Mackenzie (Nyamindi) and Janetta Fairbairn
” O 1 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls ShCM ShCEX ShCM ShCEX. 6 year old bitch that oozes quality. Standing square with her head and tail erect. Beautifully presented soft loose curls. Good powerful flat skull, scissor bite, black pigmentation. Her neck slightly cresting into long laid back shoulder. Deep chest and short coupled. Powerful hind quarters with a good shelf behind, well angulated rear and well let down hocks. Good reaching front action and powerful drive from rear. BOB. Sheila MacKenzie
” TERRIER GRP: 1 Lui Thistlebee Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls ShCM Sh Cex. SCWT presented and shown well in super coat. Such balanced outline throughout. Cobby body, short-coupled, good angulation. Moved steadily. Jeanetta Fairbairn ”
12.91.20, 2nd OPEN BITCH, RESERVE BEST BITCH, Boston Championship Show under judge Jenny Miller
” ” 2 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls ShCm ShCEx. Lovely size and shape to this well put together lovely bitch who really takes the attention on the move with lovely free striding side gait and sound reach and powerful driving rear action. Her showmanship is helped by being very well handled with lovely positioning which shows off her virtues. Sweet head well balanced and with correct width from skull to muzzle with strong jaw and spongy nose. Correctly shaped dark ears well set and used, dark well set apart eyes. Proud head carriage on correct neck length and shape, set into shoulders with enough front angle to deep chest, straight well boned forelegs, tight well padded feet. Nice body with ribs well back, good depth and substance beautifully presented natural coat of good length, soft silky texture of ripe wheaten colour. RBB.
01.01.20, 2nd scwt open, Paisley open show under judge Sue Harrison
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28.12.2019, 1st scwt open, Best of Breed, TERRIER GROUP 4, Greenock Open Show under judge Judith Carruthers
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27.12.2019, 1st scwt open, Best of Breed, Terrier Group 4, Livingston Open Show under judge Heather Turner,
” O 1 Lui Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls SHCM SH Cex. Good butch of excellent breed type, correct head and expression, good proportions moved out well holding a strong backline. BOB & Gp 4. ”
21.12.2019, 2nd scwt open, Carluke Open Show under judge Felicity Snook (Pitcombe)
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14.12.2019, 2nd scwt open bitch, Ladies Kennel Association Championship Show under judge Paul Eardley
“2nd: LUI Mrs L Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls Sh.CM ShC-another that caught my eye on first inspection as she was a real showgirl, good coat, fully mature and in good condition. Not quite the movement of the winner. ”
24.11.2019, 1st scwt open, Best of Breed and TERRIER GROUP 2, Clydebank Open Show under judge Mr Mark Cocozza (Freecloud)
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24.10.2019, 1st Special Beginners Stakes, Midland Counties Championship Show under judge Paul Wilkinson
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20.10.2019, 1st scwt open, Best of Breed, Kirkintilloch Open Show under judge Estella Saxton (Rattustrapp)
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28.09.2019, 2nd Open Bitch, RESERVE CHAMPION CERTIFICATE, Belfast Championship Show under judge Mr J Byrnes (Ireland)”2nd Mr L V Lui – Thistlebe Them There EYES At Eblanahalls SHCM SHCEX. Correct head with good ear set dark eye good length of muzzle and correct bite, clean front with depth of fore chest and good bone and nice feet, nice reach of neck well ribbed with good length of back strong and well-muscled hind quarters and nice turn of stifle moved well both ways and good coat condition, Res Bitch CC”

Pooka RBCC Belfast 2019
15.09.2019, 1st Open Bitch, Reserve Best Bitch in Show, Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of GBs Open Show North under judge Mr Archie Bryden (Gantocks)
” 1 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls ShCM ShCEX. Now six years of age she
is one that has improved with maturity, especially in coat. Well-constructed with straight
front, level top line, good back end, dark eye, black nose, good bite. Moved well. In the
challenge, I felt the Limit winner had just that little bit extra but held off a strong challenge
from second in that class. RBB, ”
07.09.2019, 1st scwt open, Best of Breed, TERRIER GROUP 2, Lothian Open Show under judges Mr David Anderson (Nisyros) and Mr Dick Morrison (Bowerswell)
“1, BOB and G2, Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls ShCM ShCEx. Lovely mature bitch, screams type. Short coupled, good top line and tailset. Good length of neck, well presented and handled. Flashy mover.”

Pooka, 1st, BOB, TG2, Lothian 2019
31.08.2019, 3rd Open Bitch, City of Birmingham Championship show under judge Steve Howe (Stevelyn)
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10.08.2019, 2nd scwt open, Hamilton Open Show under judge Margaret Hooley (Hoolmark)
“2nd Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls Sh Cm – Another lovely bitch with a good coat and pelt. Moved well, balanced and economical in her movement. Nice strong head and good earset. ”
21.07.2019, 1st AVNSC Open, York Open Show under judge Miss Felicity Snook (Pitcombe)
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20.07.2019, 1st scwt open, Kilmarnock Open Show under judge Mr Robert Donachie
” 1 Lui Thistlebe Them there Eyes at Eblanahalls (B). Well balanced, feminine head, flat skull, well set dark eye, strong jaw, good mouth, large teeth, well laid shoulder, level top line, straight front, good bend of stifle, hocks well let down, showed and moved well, good length of coat not over trimmed.”
14.07.2019,2nd scwt open, Durham county open show, judge Mr Tom Mathers (Barksalot)
“Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls SHCM SHCEX. Very typey, pleasing forehand with strong, nicely arched neck. Compactly built with good rib. Excellent coat and colour.”

Pooka Durham County Show 2019
29.06.2019, 2nd scwt open, Paisley Open Show under judge Mr John Purnell,
2 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls Sh CM ShCEx. 6 years old bitch good depth of chest good straight front, good backline and tailset, well angulated, moved well, coat of good colour and texture.
02.06.2019, 2nd SCWT open, Dundee Open Show under judge Karen Jackson (Jackobyte)
“2nd Lui’s THISTLEBE THEM THERE EYES AT EBLANAHALLS ShCm (b) Lovely looking bitch of good type. Compact. Good coat texture and colour. Pleasing angles. Good backline. She moved out well. Shown and handled perfectly. ”

06.04.2019, 2nd scwt open, Reserve Bitch Champion Certificates (RBCC), National Terrier Championship Show under judge Liz Cartledge (Ryslip)
” Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes at EblanaHalls Sh.CM ShCEx . Good honest bitch with all the essentials, like first she was well handled and presented, pleasing head, goid tail set and excellent body and quarters, made a good account of herself both moving and standing.”

Pooka, National Terrier, RBCC
31.03.2019, 1st scwt open, Best of Breed, TERRIER GROUP 3, West Lothian Open Show, judge Mark Walshaw (Janmark)
” Lui, Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls. Shcm. One I have judged before, as always presented and handled very well. Fits the bill as a balanced compact bitch, stands four square with no exagerations. Pleasing through head, ample bone, good ribs, decent angulation throughout and moves out well, looking the part in profile. BOB. Group 3.”

Pooka, West Lothian 2019 BOB and TG3
09.03.2019, 3rd Open Bitch, Crufts Championship Show, judge Mr T H Johnston
” 3 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls ShCM. Feminine head with good expression, compact and strong loin, good wheaten colour and very well presented. Lots of breed qualities and makes up a lovely trio. ”

Pooka, 3rd Open bitch, Crufts
24.02.2019, 2nd scwt open, Catrine Canine Club Open Show under judge Mrs Julia Cummings (Rocabec)
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23.02.2019, 2nd scwt open, Irvine and District Open Show under judge Mr Chris Everard
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16.02.2019, 1st scwt open, Best of Breed, TERRIER GROUP 1, Upperward of Lanarkshire Open Show, judge Eamon O’Hare (Castlereagh)

Pooka, Group 1, Upperward of Lanarkshire 2019
10.02.2019, 1st scwt open, Coatbridge, Airdrie and District Open Show under judge Mr D Robbins (Chenting)
” Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Open,1st Lui THISTLEBE THEM THERE EYES AT EBLANAHALLS ShCM 5yrs bitch and mother to the above. Again lovely head, straight front, well bodied and moved well. Just stood a shade longer in loin that her daughter. “
09.02.2019, 1st scwt open, TERRIER GROUP 4, Rutherglen Open Show, judge Chris Briggs (Bellpins)
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Pooka TG4 Rutherglen 2019
02.02.2019, 2nd scwt open bitch, Caledonian Canine Society 320 Class Open Show under judge Gillian Knight
” Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls SHCM. Nice mature girl with good head, neck and shoulder. Good rear angulation and tail set. Moved well. “

Pooka Caledonian 2019
27.01.2019, 1st scwt open, Hamilton Canine Club OPEN Show under judge Mr Ross Delmar (Shillelagh
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26.01.2019, 1st scwt, Best of Breed, Terrier Group 2, Kirkintilloch, Lenzie and District Open Show under judge Jillian Young
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06.01.2019, 1st scwt open, Best of Breed, TERRIER GROUP 4, Paisley & District Canine Society Open Show, under judge Ian Shaw (Honeyhall)” “

Pooka BOB & TERRIER GROUP 4, Paisley 2019
05.01.2019, 1st scwt open, Best of Breed, TERRIER GROUP 4, Kilmarnock and District Open Show under judge Mrs J N Patterson (Auchenhove)
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Pooka TG4 Kilmarnock 2019
27.12.2018, 1st AVNSC, Best AVNSC, TERRIER GROUP 2, Livingston Canine Society Open Show under judge Mrs E Laidlaw (Glencarron)
” 1 Norkett Lui’s Thislebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls Sh CM, SCWT, lovely 5 year old bitch, in good coat. Lovely head and outline, moved very well. “
23.12.2018, 2nd scwt open, Cambuslang Canine Club under judge Keith Nathan.
2.12.2018, 1st scwt open, Best of Breed, TERRIER GROUP 3, Carluke and District Open Show, judge Thomas West (Tomlyndon)
” 1 Lui’s Thistlbe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls ShCM. Lovely bitch who is so pleasing to go over. Scored in head and with defined stop. Excellent bite. Stright front, well boned. Good chest, well placed shoulder into level topline. Tail well set, well muscled rear quarters which enable her to move out so well. BOB, G3. “
16.12.2018, 1st Limit Bitch, LKA CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW, judge Julie Moyes (Plumhollow)
“LB (6,1) 1st. Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls Sh.CM I liked the look of this girl as soon as she entered the ring. A lovely medium sized package without exaggeration. Feminine head, neat ears, good bite. Lovely neck and shoulder, deep chest with good ribbing, level topline, good tail set and rear angulation. Moved and handled very well. ”
2.12.2018, 1st, Best of Breed and TERRIER GROUP 3, West Lothian Open Show, judge Euan Castel,
” 1 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls, 5 yr old bitch, balanced throughout, well proportion head, good eye and ear placement. Nice neck into well angulated shoulder. Good topline and well bodied. Good tail carriage, nice coat and well presented. Excellent movement to secure BOB & TG3.”

Pooka, West Lothoan, TG3
18.11.2018, 1st scwt open, BEST OF BREED, Clydebank & District Open Show, JUDGE Ian Gabriel (Gabriel)
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- Pooka, BOB, Clydebank 2018
27.10.2018, 1st Limit Bitch, Reserve Bitch CC, Midland Counties Championship Show, breed specialist judge Eileen Boak (Bacanti)
” 1 Lui’s Thistlebee Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls. Well proportioned. Good reach of neck without being exaggerated. Mature soft wavy light wheaten coat. RCC “

Pooka RBCC under Eileen Boak. * photo credit Helen Johnstone
21.10.2018, 2nd scwt open, Kirkintilloch and District Open Show under judge Mr Allan Stephenson
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Pooka Kirkintilloch Open Show 2018
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Pooka, SCWTC of GB Champ show 2018
05.10.2018, 2nd Limit Bitch, South Wales Kennel Association SWKA Championship Show, judge Anthony Brooks (Loofahsa)
“2. Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls SHCM : Similar comments apply, this feminine bitch has a lovely coat with glossy sheen , pleasing in outline and balance. Good neck, shoulders and topline. Moved and showed well.”
30.09.2019, 1st scwt open, Best of Breed, Terrier Group 3, Selkiek and District Open Show, judge Jane Baker.
” Soft Coated Wheaten OPEN. 1st
Lui’s, Thistlebe Them There Eyes At
Eblanahalls Sh CM, 5 year old bitch, good head, well defined stop, nice dark hazel eyes, v shaped ears, good scissor bite, good muscular neck, long laid back shoulders, compact body,
ribs well sprung, well let down hocks and good rear angulation,
soft silky coat, moved out well. BOB G3 “

Pooka, Selkirk, TG3
22.09.2018, 2nd Limit Bitch, Driffield Championship Show under judge Mr Paul Wilkinson
” 2nd Lui & Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls Sh CM
Very nice type with a good outline, nice front assembly, clean in head, good eye, in good coat, moved OK in front but close in rear, preferred the rear of first. “

Pooka Driffield 2018
14.09.2018, 1st Limit Bitch, Best Bitch, Best Opposite Sex. Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of GB Open Show North under judge Maud Hawkes (Maridale)
” LB 1 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls ShCM. Lovely, well balanced bitch with excellent head of good proportions, well carried ears and expressive dark eyes. Good front assembly, nice neck and shoulder placement. Good depth and length of rib, short coupled and with well set on and carried tail. Excellent hind angulation with well let down hocks. Well presented in coat of good texture and beautiful colour. Showed and moved with animation and very well indeed. BB BOS “

Pooka, Best Bitch, Best Opposite Sex, SCWT CLUB of GBs Open Show North 2018
8.09.2018, 2nd scwt open, Lothian Canine Club Open Show, judge Mr Ray Morland (Triken)
” 2 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls ShCM, nice shape and size, good reach to neck, firm level top line, well angulated rear, good movement, mother to class winner.”

Pooka 2nd scwt open Lothian Open Show
25.08.2018, 2nd YKC MEMBERS STAKES, Crufts Qualifier, Scottish Kennel Club Championship Show, Judge Mrs J A Ward (Mianja)
2 Lui Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls SHCM Breed: Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier. Another quality bitch, true to type and balance, good body proportions, good coat texture and presentation. Did not move just as sound as winner behind.

25.08.2018, 1st Open Bitch, Reserve Best Opposite Sex, Scottish Kennel Club Championship Show, judge Dr Archie Bryden (Gantocks)
” 1 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls ShCM. Nice bitch all round, Pleasing head, dark eye, good bite, dark nose, correct front, ample bone and substance, well ribbed, level topline, moved well. Interesting to find out later she is the dam of the Best Bitch from puppy class. In the challenge I felt her daughter had that little bit extra finish and class. “

Pooka, RBOS, SKC
11.08.2018, 1st scwt Open, Hamilton Canine Club OPEN Show, judge Carmel Clarke-O’Neill (Lemracdream)
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Pooka, 1st scwt open, Hamilton Canine Club OPEN Show
28.07.2018, 1st SCWT Open, 1st SH.CM Stakes, Upperward of Lanarkshire Open show, judge Julie Harrison (Trenson)
15.07.2018, 2nd scwt open, Fife Open Show, judge Moira Barrass (Gallondean)
” Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls Sh Cm, feminine bitch who moved well around the ring, balanced head with dark eyes and good ear set, neat front and balanced rib to loin, strong rear giving good drive. “
7.07.2018, 1st Open, Best of Breed, TERRIER GROUP 2, Greenock and District Open Show, judge Mr Ken Andrews
” 1 Lui’s Thistlebe them there eyes at Eblanahalls , 5 year old bitch, very god head and topline, best mover, mother of pg winner BoB GRP 2. “
29.06.2018, 2nd Limit Bitch,Windsor Championship Show, judge Mr Tom Mather
“LUI Mrs L & Mr A Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls Sh.CM. Typical and very pleasing for balance, good coat texture and presentation. Well ribbed. Moved well but a fraction closer behind than the winner. “
22.06.2018, 2nd Limit Bitch, Blackpool Championship Show, Judge Pat Chadwick
” Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls ShCM. Another pleasing one, short coupled, good topline and tail, pretty head, super colour, moved a bit erratically”

Pooka Blackpool
17.06.2018, 1st SCWT Limit Bitch, Border Union Championship Show, judge Mr Ken Francis (Sawheaten)
” . Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls. SHCM. Well proportioned, balanced bitch, coat fell in soft waves. Small ears, dark eye and pigment with correct bite. Sufficient reach of neck, well sprung ribs and nice angulation. Moved well with good extension. “

Pooka, Border Union Championship Show
10.06.2018, 1st SCWT Open, Best of Breed, Terrier Group 2, St Andrews, Cupar & District Canine Society Open Show, judge Carol Dunford (Quixol)
” 1 & BOB & TGrp 2 Lui Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls ShCM. 5yrs bitch good coat colour and well presented feminine bitch with good conformation, so moved with long low strides and a good square outline, lovely head with a strong muzzle, an excellent mouth, well set ears and hazel eyes. “

9.06.2018, 1st SCWT Open, Best of Breed, TERRIER GROUP 2, Dundee Canine club 378 Class Open Show, judge Janette Callon (Russtan)
” Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier O (9) 1. T.histlebe Them There Eyes at EblanaHalls ShCM. Correct head and eye. All in proportion. Good Neck and Well laid back shoulders Good front. Level Back. Well Sprung Ribs. Good strong Thighs and well angulated Rear. Pleased to award B.O.B. “
25.05.2018, 2nd Limit Bitch, BATH Championship Show, judge Mr Max King
“2. Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanhalls. Larger type throughout, strong head, well set eyes, good expression, in good coat and moved with good reach.”
18.05.2018, 1st SCWT Limit Bitch, Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate, Scottish Kennel Club Championship Show, Judge Mr B A Hanney (Lilwaukee)
” 1 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls Sh CM, well balanced bitch with a superb coat, a rich blonde with a silky texture, natural trimming really enhanced the look, for me a typical and ideal expression, correct size, good drive on the move, my find of the day RCC. “

Pooka, RBCC, SKC 2018
13.05.2018, 1st SCWT Open, BEST OF BREED, Cumnock and District Open Show, judge Bill Shorthose
” O 1. Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls. Smart short-coupled bitch with feminine head. Good reach of neck and well laid back shoulder. Moved well, correct length and texture of coat. BOB “
12.05.2018, 2nd SCWT Open, Perthshire Open Show, judge Carol Stephens (Seayess)
“2nd Lui’s THISTLEBE THEM THERE EYES AT EBLANAHALLS SHCM – beautiful 5 year old bitch with lovely head, great bone & substance. Lovely mover & excellently handled by her young owner – a joy to watch them.”
29.04.2018, 1st SCWT Open, BEST of BREED, TERRIER GROUP 3, judge Mr Arthur Cuthbertson (Ashbrae)
‘ O 1. Lui Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls. Nice size bitch, good lay of shoulder and topline. Well angulated, moved out with drive BOB. Group 3 “
Pooka, Ladies Kennel Association of Scotland Open Show, Best of Breed, TERRIER GROUP 3
28.04.2018, 2nd YKC Members Stakes, West of England Ladies Kennel Society Championship Show, judge Mrs Doreen Smillie-Gray
” 2 Lui Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls ShCM (Soft Coated Wheaten). Another smart bitch, close decision between these and I am sure placings could change on another day. Good on the move with power and style, good head and expression, good depth and angulation. “
2.04.2018, 1st scwt open, Best of Breed, TERRIER GROUP 2, Clydebank &District Open Show, judge Liz Dunhill (Fantasa Team Vormund)
” Thistlebe Them Their Eyes at Eblanahall’s. Love love love this bitch, and when I saw the pedigree I know why, all Kerridown breeding. Feminine head, good flat skull and good head planes, dark eye with pigmented rims, good stop, good fill under the eyes, good underjaw, and correct bite and big black nose, good head furnishings, good length of neck, leading into well laid shoulder, good return of upper arm, good tight feet, well ribbed back and short in loin, well carried sabre tail, ex balanced hindquarters, short well let down hocks. Good foot fall when moved at the right speed. Excellent profile action, with long strides, her coat is of great texture wave and colour. I do not understand why this bitch does not have her title. I’m my opinion a worthy champion! Group 2. “
21.04.2018, 1st scwt open, Best of Breed, TERRIER GROUP 1, Drongan and District Canine Society, judge Mr D Mitchell (Paleside)
“1. Lui’s, Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls Sh CM. Strong in jaw with big teeth. Strength all round. Nice jacket. Good bone and shape of rib. Well angulated behind. Moved with drive. BOB and Terrier G1.. “

Tg1 Drongan
15.04.2018, 2nd AVNSC terrier, Selkirk & District Open Show, judge Ali Morton
” “

Pooka Selkirk 2018
30.03.18, 1st scwt open, Rutherglen Canine Club Open Show, Judge John Finney
” ”

Pooka Rutherglen, 1st scwt open
25.02.18, 1st SCWT, BEST OF BREED, Catrine Canine Club, judge Mr Albert Easdon (Yakee)
” 1 Lui’s-Thistlebee Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls ShCM. Medium sized compact bitch with soft loose curls, typical head & expression, arched neck, good bone,strong level back, high well carried tail, free easy mover. “

Pooka, BOB at Catrine Canine Club under judge Mr Albert Easdon (Yakee).
3.02.2018, 1st SCWT Bitch Open, Best of Breed, Caledonian Canine Society Open Show, judge Mr S Atkinson (Hollingswell)
” ”
27.01.2018, Best AVNSC Terrier and TERRIER GROUP 2, Kirkintilloch & District Open Show, judge Mr Moray Armstrong (Bitcon)
” ”
Pooka TG2 Kirkintilloch
7.1.2018, 1st SCWT, Best of Breed, TERRIER GROUP 3, Paisley & District Open Show, Judge Mike Oxley (Digelsa)
” SCWT: O 1 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls. Well presented in good coat and colour, good for size and in proportion, Good head, eye and ears, lovely straight front, good length of neck into well laid shoulders, good spring of rib and depth of chest, put in a super all round performance to win BOB and TG3 “

Paisley & District OS
6.01.18, Scwt open, BEST OF BREED Terrier Group 3, Kilmarnock and District, Judge Bobby Templeton
” ”
17.12.17, 2nd scwt open, Cambuslang Canine Club, judge Mrs F Kaye
“2 Lui’s Thistlebe Them Eyes At Eblanahalls ShCM. Quality bitch, feminine head, good eye, excellent angles, body and topline, moved out soundly with good hind action. “

Pooka Cambuslang
30.12.17, 1st place SCWT Open, Best of Breed, Terrier Group 3, judge Mark Walshaw (Janmark)
” ”

27.12.17, 2nd AVNSC, Livingston Open Show, Judge Mrs F McCann,
” ”
14th May 2017, 1st place SCWT Open, Best of Breed, Terrier Group 1, Cumnock & District Canine Club Open Show, judge Mr D Sheilds (Wilholme)
” “

Cumnock & District BOB TG2
13th May 2017, 1st place SCWT Open, Best of Breed, Terrier Group 1, Perthshire Open Show, judge Mrs Jennifer Bledge (Blomendel)
” “

Pooka Terrier Group 1 at Perthshire Open Show
6th May 2017, 1st place SCWT Open, Best of Breed, Kirkcaldy & District Canine Club Open Show, Judge Mrs M Plunkett
” “

Kirkcaldy & District Open Show
4th May 2017, 1st place YKC Members Stakes, Crufts Qualifier, Birmingham National Championship Show, Judge Mrs G Jane Lilley
” “

Birmingham National
23rd April 2017, 1st place SCWT Open, Best of Breed, Terrier Group 1, Clydebank & District Canine Club, Judge Marie Burns (Burneze)
” “

Pooka winning Terrier Group 1 under judge Marie Burns (Burneze)
15th April 2017, 1st place SCWT Open, Best of Breed, Best in Show shortlist, Terrier Club of Scotland Members Limited Show, Judge Dick Morrison
” SCWT BOB was Lui Thistlebe Them Their Eyes at Eblanahalls Sh Cm this breed was well supported and competitive, this bitch is compact, upstanding and has a lovely coloured natural coat that falls in the ideal loose curls and waves, she was beautifully presented., she does not lack confidence, has good head properties, jet black nose pigmentation, bright dark eyes, well set ears, correct dentition, good strength of neck, is soundly put together, compact in body with well sprung ribs, has black pads and nails, is free and lively on the move, is very good in profile shape and she was well handled.”
14th April 2017, 1st place SCWT Open, Best of Breed, Terrier Group 1, Rutherglen Open Show, Mrs Angela Johnston (Oregill)
” Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes at EblanaHalls Sh CM. Very classy, shapely bitch of super type, good head and expression, enough bone and substance, well laid shoulder, strong level topline, tail on top and plenty behind the tail, lovely soft wavy coat in lovely natural condition, showed well. “
2nd April 2017, 2nd AV Open, Angus & Kincardineshire Members Limited Show, Judge Sheona Fortune
“2 Lui’s SCWT Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls Sh CM, 3 and a half year old bitch of correct size. Lovely head with good coat coverage. Good eye nice ears and good dentation. Nice thick silky coat of correct texture. Good length of neck sloping down into shoulders and straight front legs with good bone. Level top line strong back of good length and deep chest. Moved ok but not as freely as 1 today.”

Angus & Kincardineshire Members Limited
18th March 2017, 1st place SCWT Open, Best of Breed, Terrier Group 4, Clackmannanshire CC Open Show, Mrs L Ratter (Seafar)
” ”
9th, March 2017, 1st place Limit Bitch, CRUFTS CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW, Judge Sue Munn (Snowmeadow)
“1.Luis. Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls ShCM. Lovely shape, feminine. Good head, good shoulders, topline & tailset, Nice coat, moved well.”
5th, March 2017, 1st place AVNSC, Best AVNSC, Terrier Group 2, 1st place Tom Morrison Memorial Open Stakes, East of Scotland CC Open Show, Judge Mr B BLUNDEN (Licassa)
” AVNSC TERRIER: O (9, 4) 1 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls ShCM. Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier. 3 yr old, compact short coupled bitch. Balanced with good proportions to head. Well defined stop with muzzle slightly shorter than skull. Muzzle topline straight and parallel with skull. Nose black and large. Medium sized eyes with black rims. Well set ears. Strong muscular neck. Long well laid shoulders. Forelegs straight with good bone and muscle. Level back. Well sprung ribs and good depth of chest. Hindquarters well developed with good bend of stifle. Lively movement with good reach and drive. BOB “
25th, February 2017, 1st place SCWT, Best of Breed , Terrier Group 3, Irvine & District Canine Club Open Show, Judge Katie Hamilton (Cromlechs) and Doreen Hardie (Mistyayre)
” SCWT: O 1 Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls ShCM. This bitch moved beautifully around the ring with free flowing movement, her head is correct with large teeth and strong jaw, strong and level topline with a nice sprung rib, she is in the correct proportions for this breed and was happy to award her first in this large class.”
Irvine & District
18th February 2017, 1st place SCWT, Best of Breed, Upperwards of Lanarkshire Open Show, Judge Mrs Jenny Miller (Feorlig)
” SOFT COATED WHEATEN: O (4) 1 Luis’ Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls ShCM, headed a good class of different breed types prefer this bitches moderate build and compact balance, stood covering the round well. Feminine head, broad skull, balanced, square muzzle with a strong jaw. Moderately long arched and clean neck into well laid shoulders, strong firm backline held on the stance and move well set tail. Good body with strength of muscle tone with correct angles front and rear, sprung ribs. Soft wheaten coat well presented with natural look. Straight well boned and coated legs strong feet, stifles well angulated and strong hocks. The best and soundest mover with reach and drive. BOB. “
11th, February 2017, !st place SCWT open, Best of Breed, Terrier Group 3, Rutherglen CC Open Show, Judge Carol Ramsay (Torum)
” SCWT: O 1 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls ShCM. B. Well proportioned with good topline, which she held on the move, compact body. Decent head with correct bite. Good tailset and carriage. Good hindquarters with low hocks, nice steady stride. Good coat and colour, well presented. BOB and G3. “
5th, February, 2017, RESERVE BEST IN SHOW, Scottish Kennel Club Scottish Open Show Dog of the Year 2016, Judge Mrs Audrey Sinclair (Kiltarlity).
” “
4th, February, 2017, 1st SCWT O, Best of Breed, Terrier Group 2, Caledonian 300 Open Class Show, Judge Douglas Berry (Incheril)
” SCWT (6) 1 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls. I’m the first to admit I struggle with this breed but to me this 3 year old bitch fulfils the standard in head and body construction’ and in coat texture, colour and length. I particularly liked her head and front but it was her excellent movement that made her stand out, and I forgave her lack of ear fringing for G2 “
18th December, 2016, 1st SCWT Open, Best of Breed, Cambuslang Canine Society Open Show, Judge Irene Glen
“1 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls Sh CM. Lovely type of bitch with a balanced head and kind eye. Muscular arched neck onto well laid shoulders. Good body with lovely depth and substance with well developed quarters. Moved well. BOB.”

Pooka 1st and BOB
11 December, 2016, 1st Special Beginners Bitch, LKA Championship Show, Judge Mr. Tan Nagrecha (Chandlimore)
” “
4 December, 2016, 1 AVNSC Terrier, Best AVNSC Terrier, Terrier Group 1, RESERVE BEST IN SHOW, West Lothian Canine Society 150 class Open Show, terrier judge Rachael Wray (Perrault) and BIS judge Mrs S Williams (Wilmerella)
“ RBIS, G1, 1 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls b, 3yrs SCWT, Compact outline, well presented in silky soft coat. Well proportioned head with good furnishings. Plenty strength to jaw and clean lines to cheeks. Dark eye and black pigment. Neat ears well set on. Long firm neck into well laid shoulder, deep brisket well filled, firm topline and well angulated fore and aft with good width to thighs and tight feet. Moved very well from all angles with a nice free stride. Pleased to see her take RBIS. “
Judge Rachael Wray (Perrault)
” Mrs Laura Lui’s Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls RBIS, super condition and coat, lovely head with correct expression and eyes, nicely put together, all over good construction, lovely topline moved really well with the style and elegance of a quality dog. “
BIS judge Mrs S Williams (Wilmerella)
20 November 2016, 1st SCWT Open, Best of Breed, Terrier Group 4, Clydebank and District Canine Club, Judge Carol Dunford (Quixol)
” 1 BOB Lui’s bitch 3yrs Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls Sh CM, a tight decision between these 2 good bitches, a little taller than 2nd, square outline with level back on the move, feminine head with excellent teeth and bite, strong muzzle, good coat. “
19th, November, 2016, 1st AVNSC , Dundee & District Canine Club, Judge Heather Turner ( )
” ”
13 November 2016, A V Open Stakes, A V Sporting Dog or Bitch, Ladies Kennel Club of Scotland, Judge Scott Wright (Elsco)
“Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls. Lovely 3 year old SCWT bitch, exceptional presentation and handling. Well shaped head, very good front. Balanced angulation, great top line and lovely outline, moved very well.“
31 October, 2016, 1st SCWT Open, Best of Breed, Terrier Group 4, Hamilton Canine Club, Judge Mark Walshaw (Janmark)
“SCWT: O 1 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls. 3 yr old bitch. Balanced bitch giving a good outline. Balanced head, square, good eye and ears. Decent body, ample bone, good angulations and tail well set and plenty behind. Sporting a colourful soft jacket. Moved ok and handled very well by her young handler. BOB & Grp 4. “
23 October, 2016, Reserve Best In Show, Terrier Group 1, Best of Breed, 1st place SCWT Open, Kirkintilloch, Lenzie and District 150 class Open Show, BIS judge Mike Lancashire (Drishaun) and terrier class and group judge Marjorie Wanless (Thornyburn)
” 1 Lui. Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls Sh. Ch. A lovely 3 year old bitch, with presence. Good coat and colour, excellent powerful head. Bright, dark eyes, and neat ears, set correctly. Straight front, good for bone, deep chested, well sprung rib. Well muscled strong hind quarters. Presented a nice square outline. Level top line, correct tail set, and carriage. Moved with a free graceful gait. G1 Delighted to see her go on to RBIS.”
1st October, 2016- 2nd Limit Bitch Bitch, Driffield Championship Show, Judge MrsJean Wright (Abbeymead)
” 2 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls ShCM. Another lovely square girl, attractive head, good mouth, lovely soft coat though a bit paler than first, compact body, level topline, held well on the move, which was good. “
24th September, 2016- 1st AVNSC Open Bitch, Perthshire CC Open Show, Judge Mrs F S Findlay (Rhiconich)
” 1 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls, SCWT, this young handler got the best out of this bitch moving well, compact, with good neck & shoulders, well bent stifles, good set on of tail, straight front, good head with correct earset, shown in good condition.”
Mrs FS Findlay (Rhiconich) “
17th September, 2016- 2nd Limit Bitch, SCWT Club of GB Open Show, Judge Colin Richardson (Talyot)
” 2 Lui’sThistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls ShCM. A very pleasing bitch with feminine head of correct proportions Powerful neck into excellent fore hand. Loin and rear angulation very good. Moved with drive and purpose.
16th September, 2016- 2nd Limit Bitch, Darlington Championship Show, Judge Jo Dowdy (Denzilly)
“2. Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls ShCM Excellent head properties, dark hazel eyes & good pigmentation. Excellent length of neck, firm level topline retained on the move. Nicely angulated quarters which was reflected in her rear movement. In side profile she has a tendency to drop her head down which forces her head & neck to be level with her topline. If her head were to be held high she would look so much nicer in profile movement. Coat of lovely texture & loose waves. Liked her a lot”
27th August, 2016- 1st Young Kennel Club STAKES (Crufts Qualifier), Scottish Kennel Club Championship Show, Judge Mr Moray M. J. Armstrong (Bitcon)
” 1 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls ShCM. Top class wheaten bitch, nice body, topline and quarters, feminine head, nice legs and feet, good ribs, moved well, in good body and coat. “
20 August.2016, Open Bitch Stakes, Tayside and Lochee Open Show, Judge Miss Fiona Valentine (Pattonia)
” 1 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls ShCM, SC Wheaten, the outline of this bitch caught my eye on entering the ring and didn’t disappoint on closer inspection. Pleasing head proportions. Covered the ring well on the move. Correct coat texture, colour and volume.”
22th July, 2016- 1st Postgraduate bitch, Reserve Best Bitch, Leeds Championship Show, Judge Denise Pascoe (Middlebury)
” 1.Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls. This young lady has certainly matured well. Lovely coat with correct texture and good colour. Feminine head, neat small ears, dark eye and big black nose. Good mouth with correct scissor bite. Good lay of shoulder and plenty depth of chest. Excellent topline and good tailset. Good bend of stifle. Moved out well with reach and drive. She deserved her RBB on the day in a tough challenge. “
22th July, 2016- 1st Young Kennel Club STAKES (Crufts Qualifier), Leeds Championship Show, Judge Brenda Banbury
” “
17th July 2016- 1st SCWT, Best of Breed, Terrier Group 3, Fife Kennel Association, Judge Ken MacKenzie (Calanru)
” ”
9th July, 2016- 1st Post Graduate Bitch, East of England Agricultural Society Championship Show, Judge Ken Francis (Sawheaten)
” 1st Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls, Presented a nice picture standing, coat of good colour and wave. Excels in pigmentation, dark eye, good bite. Straight front, good reach of neck, well bodied. Level topline, good angulation, would prefer more natural shaped trimming to her rear. Sympathetically handled to get the best out of her.”
3rd July 2016- 1st Post Graduate Bitch, Windsor Championship Show, Judge Jill Peak,
“1 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls, 3 years old bitch, very nice type, pleasing head & expression, good eye, ears well set, strong neck, good shoulders, nice body & balance, good quarters & set on. Moved well in front bit close behind;”
2nd July 2016, 1st SCWT Open, Best of Breed, Terrier Group 2, Larkhall & District Canine Club. Judge Jim Smith (Thunderclap) and Group Judge Meriel Taylor (Ballarat)
” 1 Luis Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls. Was the winner of this class as soon as she entered the ring. A quality wheaten terrier who was presented and shown at the highest level. Excellent coat and texture, lovely head and expression, moved around the ring with power ease and drive, a pleasure to go over.”
19th June 2016- 1st Post Graduate Bitch, Border Union Championship Show, Judge Gill Ford (Kanjuley).
“Post Graduate Bitch: 1 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Elbanahalls, A very nicely made bitch with a balanced, typical head, good reach of neck into well laid shoulder, level topline and short coupled. Good bone and substance and moved well from all angles. Mature coat with nice wave and texture. Well presented and handled.”
11th June 2016- 1st AVNSC Terrier, Livingston Canine Club, Judge Janet Kay (Kaytian)
” 1. Lui, Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls Compact balanced bitch. Flat skull of good length well defined stop, muzzle slightly shorter than skull to finish with coat which falls over eyes that are bright and clear. Nicely laid shoulders well boned legs and firm muscles well ribbed back and pleasant depth of chest She moved freely with reaching stride.”
9th June 2016 – 1st SCWT Open, BoB, TG1, Dundee Canine Club 352 Class Open Show, Judge Carol Ridley (Jagsstaff)
“SCWT (5,1) 1 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls, loved the overall presentation of this bitch, good head, correct bite, clean neck flowing onto well balanced body, good angulation of the stifle, good coat, moved freely around the ring, handler did the bitch proud; “
28th May 2016 – 1st SCWT Open, Best of Breed, Carluke & District Canine Society Open Show, Judge Danny Gilmour (Dunbriton),
” “
22nd May 2016 – 2nd Post Graduate Bitch, Scottish Kennel Club Championship Show, Judge Ms P J Withers (Pajantic)
” 2 Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls. Nice size and substance, balanced head into well placed shoulders, good topline and set on of tail. “
15th May 2016 – BAVNSC Terrier, Terrier Group 2, Cumnock & District Canine Club Open Show, Judge Mrs C Hindley (Birkhall)
“1 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls (SCWT) Group 2 & BNSC. Expertly handled bitch who looked immaculate. I loved her flowing shape and sweeping rear which she really used on the move. Attractive head, long neck and good topline.”
8th May 2016 – 2nd Post Graduate Bitch, Birmingham National Championship Show, Judge Mr Alan Small,
“Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls, pleasing bitch, bit longer in foreface, good bite, pleasing neck to well laid shoulders, good coat, nice in profile, went well.”
8th May 2016 – 2nd YKC MEMBERS STAKES Birmingham National Championship Show, Judge Mr Bill Browne-Cole ,
” 2 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes At Eblanahalls. SCWT bitch, liked her body shape, typy head, good ears, excellent coat texture, not so positive in front as first. “
19th March 2016 – 1st AVNSC, BoB , TG2, Clackmannanshire Canine Club Open Show, Judge Mr D Todd (Chataway)
13th March 2016 – 3rd Post Graduate Bitch, Crufts Championship Show, Judge Sandy Tanner,
“Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes at Eblanahalls, Slightly larger all round but gave a very good account of herself today. Moved out with drive. Very pleasing coat and head.”
28th February 2016 – 1st SCWT Open, Best of Breed, Upperwards of Lanarkshire, Judge Mr Darren Pearson (Winoski)
“Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes at EblanaHalls. Very stunning shape and overall quality. Well proportioned head, excellent dentition with correct scissor bite, Strongly made with good bone and substance, In good coat, superb rear angulation, moved well when settled. Overall quality and balance made her BOB.”
10th, October, 2015, 1st SCWT, Best of Breed, Terrier Group 3, Paisley & District Open Show, Judge Jim McGhie (Keillor)
“SCWT (4) 1 BOB, Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes, well proportioned head, good length of neck, compact body, well sprung ribs, strong quarters, good set on, ably handled by a young lady; “
6th, September 2015, 1st place SCWT, Best of Breed, Perthshire Canine Club Open Show, Judge Bobby Templeton
“SCWT 1 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes, 2 year old bitch nice profile in picture nice head & ears good strong mouth good front & rear assembly in good coat moved well around the ring.”
28th, August 2015 – 1st YKC Members Stakes, Scottish Kennel Club Championship Show, Judge TERENCE BALFOUR BURGESS “
” Thistlebe Them There Eyes, SCWT, head of good breed type, nice shape when stood, ears of good shape, neck of moderate length, good shoulders, tight elbows & good straight front, well sprung ribs & nice depth to chest”
28th, August 2015 – 1st SCWT Postgraduate dog/bitch, Scottish Kennel Club Championship Show, Judge Denise Pascoe (Middlebury)
“1 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes. A good sized, pretty bitch, with a coat of good texture. Another with a very feminine head. Good mouth with lovely bite. Good length of neck into good lay of shoulder. Good deep chest and spring of rib. Level topline and ok tailset. Would have preferred a little more bend of stifle. Handled well to keep her moving at her best in this class.”
27th, June 2015 – 1st SCWT Postgraduate bitch, Blackpool Championship Show, Judge Darren Phillips,
“1 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes, lovely bitch, won her class on balance & type. Clean head planes, good ear placement & nice eye, very good in front assembly, nice body with good strong loin, went round the ring with good side gait.”
27th, June 2015 –2nd AV Novice Stakes, Border Union Championship Show, Judge David Shields (Wilholme)
“2 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes, SCWT, compact bitch of good size. Nice headpiece with a good eye & expression. Clean front standing on pleasing legs & feet. Good spring of rib, firm topline, well rounded quarters. In good coat of correct texture. Her young handler presented her well on the day”
27th, June 2015 – 1st Novice Bitch, Border Union Championship Show, Judge Carole Barnes-Davies (Caidantes)
“1. Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes. Presented nice square outline. Good head and ear set. Good pigment. Level topline and good angulation. Moved out well.”
23rd, May, 2015, 1st place, Best of Breed, Carluke and District Canine Club, Judge Dianne Heathcote
“SCWT (4) 1 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes, this dog scored, on movement & mouth over the competitors. Decent shoulders & topline, OK head & eye qualities;”
11th, April 2015, 1st place, Best of Breed, Terrier Club of Scotland , Judge Margaret Cairns
“SCWT 1 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes, good head shape. Clean skull. Clean scissor bite. Deep chest. Good spring rib. Short coupled legs straight & well padded feet.“
21st, January 2015, 1st place SCWT, Best of Breed and Terrier Group 4, Irvine and District Canine Club, judge Robert R Pollock
” “
13th, September 2014 – 2nd Junior Bitch, SCWT Club of GB Open Show North, Judge Ken Francis (Sawheaten)
“2) Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes. Good feminine head would prefer a smaller ear, soft coat, moved freely.”
15th, June 2014 – 1st Novice Bitch, Border Union Championship Show, Judge Mrs M Pastuzska ,
1 Lui’s Thistlebe Them There Eyes, pretty head with good pigment. Ears could be a tad smaller, angles good front & rear.